Friday 11 January 2013

Penny in the pocket : Blog # 74

Penny in the pocket

        On a lazy Sunday morning, I was clearing my Jeans’ pockets for washing and found a couple of bucks in there. It is one of those little things in Life which we all like. It is not about the amount but it’s the happenstance about it which brings a smile on your face.

            Come to think about it, it is these little things which bring cheer to our lives with utmost ease. 

 Yes, there is the contentment that comes out of an achievement resulting from hard work. But nothing beats a bout of unexpected happiness.

            For that matter, anything pleasantly unexpected has a lot of charm wrapped around it. Be it a high grade or more than anticipated hike, it brings a glee like nothing else. But the trick is to not fall for the wishful thinking- the wishful thinking that it will become routine.

Those who go on long drives would have experienced a sudden pouring rain. It is just something that is beyond words. The windscreen gets all clogged up and two wipes after and a strong push on the pedal later, it is cleaner than ever before.

            Serendipity in life should be taken thus. It shouldn't fog up one’s vision. One cannot afford to get used to it and be laid back expecting good things to happen to oneself time and again. Rather it should act as a pleasant intercession which brings back the zest for Life.

                                                Arun Babu

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