Monday, 3 September 2012

Identity: Blog # 47


  It is one of those things in life which is evident yet so elusive.

             It can be as simple a thing as the way you greet a person from which a person derives your identity.

One’s attire or food habits can lend an identity. Many a time, one’s job becomes one’s identity. So does a person’s education.

The way a person speaks – the language, the lingo also form the shade of an identity of a person.

The faith that a person chooses to practice is also an identity. But Personally, I believe faith is something that should be private. It shouldn't be flaunted just like money shouldn’t be.

These days, one’s ‘posts’, ‘comments’ and ‘tweets’ also throw some light in to the kind of persona he/she has (or wish to project ;) ).

But all these are peripheral. Real identity should come from a person’s life – one’s thoughts, deeds, and conduct. Blessed are those who can derive an identity out of their passion.

What is interesting is; for people who strive to carve an identity of their own, it always needs to be chased and for those who do not care as much, it is bestowed up on!

 Arun Babu


  1. So which category do you fall............a person who chases or who is bestowed upon.

    1. hmmm.. I would say I am one among those who is bestowed up on with, yet at liberty to chase and find one for myself :)...thank you for reading the blog..
