Death knell to Orkut
I was reading through
an article which elucidated Google’s decision to log out of Orkut permanently. Isn’t it the largest example of someone
missing the bus in recent times? What is more surprising is that an Innovative
giant like Google could not identify such a humongous opportunity!
Many of us began our parallel lives
on the social media through Orkut. It still evokes nostalgia when you see that
purple circle and a bunch of faces. The scrapbooks, the albums and the testimonials are soon going
to be a thing of the past. As you login
to Orkut one last time, let us look back to see what went wrong.
Orkut was an idea which
was ahead of its times. But what is painful for Google is the fact that it was
not decades ahead. It came prematurely only a couple of years earlier. We all
know about first mover’s advantage but Orkut is the classic case of a first
mover’s curse. No one expected Social media to bloom on this large a scale.
Google was also caught napping on this new phase of growth that they were
gifted with.
There are lessons to be
learned from this debacle. To begin with, I think Google as an organization did
not nurture this sprouting sapling well. They might have been busy tending to
the Sequoias in their garden of innovation. What they failed to understand was
the fact that the existing technologies which have grown to become giant
sequoias have scaled their heights already. It was in the sapling that is
Social media where the potential for enormous growth lay.
Also, when the portfolio
becomes large as in the case of Google; it becomes quite a task to devote equal
attention to all the tracks. De-risking by putting the eggs in different
baskets is one thing and being able to nurture all the baskets equally, quite
another thing. It doesn’t matter how huge a corporation you are. There are
always competitors waiting in the wings to take off just when you slow down to take a breather.
All these point towards
the necessity of organizations to be agile and alert about the business
environment. In the last few years, the rapidness with which defining changes occur around us has become quite frequent. These days, an enterprise might
think it is off to take a short siesta but chances of it waking up as a Rip van
winkle is quite high.
Having said that, even though we
move on to better things, one can’t help but feel some fondness for Orkut. Log
in one last time, go through your testimonials, archive your albums, read
through the scrap book and give it a fitting adieu. As with other things in
Life, let us retain the best memories from that time of life and move on.
Arun Babu